Thursday, May 7, 2009

The FABULOUS Girls Are at it Again!

The FABULOUS GIRLS break out into song and dance in Boston at the Natural Products Expo East!!


I am SO excited to bake! 

If you know me, you know how much I love to bake. In the past few months, I've baked some gf brownies, muffins, and cookies- all disastrous. These experiences left my heart heavy but determined to one day find that perfect recipe for a gluten-free/dairy-free recipe. I knew it would take a lot of experimenting with xantham gum, different flours, and lots of patience. 

However, someone must have heard my prayers, and that someone is BETTY CROCKER!

That's right- Betty Crocker has come up with FOUR different gluten-free mixes: Brownie, Chocolate chip cookie, devil's food, and chocolate cake. Remember Betty Crocker from your pre-gf days? The fluffy, moist, melt in your mouth recipes that went hand in hand with holidays, birthdays, and special occasions. Well, now us gluten-free folks can rejoin that bandwagon along with Betty's new mixes. 

Betty Crocker is truly an admirable organization. General Mills is proud CSA Benefactor Members of the Celiac Sprue Association. They have done an excellent job at reaching out to their special audience of those with celiac disease and other related disorders that require a gluten-free diet.

Go Betty! :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gluten-Free: It's not GREEK to Me!

I'll admit that some of the things that I most remember my first year of college in Missouri: Domino's Pizza, Spaghetti-O's, and beer. 

You might be wondering why these three things stand out as some of my boldest memories among others like sorority life, Greek week, Bearcat football, and my first year ever living in the snow. The fact of the matter is that although I was living in what should have been the best year of my life (FREEDOM!), I was literally dying inside. Those three things, which were staples among my freshman diet, were contributing to my celiac disease, and only making things worse.

Celiac disease is often dormant throughout a certain period of one's life until it is finally exposed due to many things, one of which can be stress. Living across the country from my family for the first time in my life was definitely a contributor to awakening the celiac disease inside of me. Not only did I gain the freshman 15 this year, but I ended up losing double the amount by the end of the year. The rapid weight gain, and even more extreme weight loss, left me at below 100 lbs. by final exams. Little did I know that this was all because of my celiac disease.  

Thankfully, science is becoming quicker at diagnosing those with celiac disease. 

ABC has a show called Greek, and one of the actors on the show Michael Foster, is raving about losing his freshman 15. 

According to a recent post on, Foster says his life on the set was similar to college life. "I was so happy about having a job and not having to worry about paying the food bill, I ate anything on set," says Foster, 24. "Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, you name it. I got sucked into craft services and, yes, it was just like college!" 

However, The 6'3" actor, who plays Cappie on the hit show, quickly reached 200 lbs. Around the same time, he also found out he was allergic to gluten. "It runs in my family," says Foster, whose symptoms included a bloated stomach and extremely dry skin on his hands. "It just got worse and worse and I was like, 'This can't be normal!' " 

After being diagnosed about three months ago, Foster 
cut out wheat and flour products from his diet. "I can't eat bread, anything fried or even drink a beer," he says. further states that his diet now consists of protein, vegetables and fruit. He also eliminated most milk products, including cheese. 

Foster goes on to say that eating better makes him feel great, which reassures him that he will be fine this time around on set. 

I completely understand Foster's attitude. I used to go through withdraws on my new gluten-free diet, however now I embrace it. I feel so great about the fact that I eat so healthy. I don't drink soda, eat fast food, and rarely indulge in sweets. I also don't eat dairy products or eggs, and rarely eat red meat as well. Overall, being diagnosed with celiac disease is a blessing. It has taught me so many things such as persistence, patience, and to always trust your "gut"! 

The View's Elisabeth Hasselback Gets Creative With Gluten-Free

A gluten-free diet, or "G Free" as she calls it, doesn't stop Elisabeth Hasselback from copying her grandma's famous recipes. 

"My grandmother was giving me her meatball-and-sauce recipe," The View co-host, 31, says in an upcoming issue of Every Day with Rachael Ray. "When she got to the part about adding breadcrumbs, she looked up at me and said, 'Elisabeth, you can add whatever you want here.' I thought, if my Italian grandmother can understand being G-free, anyone can." 

According to, it's been a struggle for Hasselback to live gluten-free since she was diagnosed with celiac disease a few years ago. Now, though, she's written her own book, The G Free Diet, which is a guide to those living gluten-free. 

It is so uplifting to see celebrities embracing the gluten-free diet. This ultimately raises awareness of celiac disease, which is something that is so crucial in widespread diagnosis. According to The Celiac Sprue Association, the oldest nonprofit association dedicated to raising awareness for celiac disease, 1 in 133 people in the US have celiac disease, but only 3% of these people have been diagnosed. This means that over 2.1 million people are living with celiac disease and are undiagnosed. Those of you with celiac disease (and are aware of it) are probably cringing right now! The thought of their poor little intestines slowly being damaged and not knowing why hits so close to home. 

Thankfully, we have celebrities such as Hasselback who are using their fame for a good cause: raising awareness for celiac disease! If you are interested in her book, The G Free Diet, check out the website.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Hello April!

According to Autism Speaks, in 2007 the UN General Assembly officially recognized April 2 as "World Autism Awareness Day" (WAAD). WAAD's goal is to further educate and improve the world's knowledge on the disease that effects so many people around the globe. Additionally, it seeks to shed light on the magnificent things that those with Autism are doing, such as their unique talents and accomplishments! It also highlights events that are occurring in conjunction with WAAD. 

Many parents have put their children with Autism on a gluten-free/casein free diet to improve their dietary conditions as a tactic to cure their Autism. Many have seen results, although for some it has been hit or miss. However, the notion that dietary changes can "reverse" the effects of Autism is still prevalent on the list of methods to curing Autism. Many people embrace the GF/CF diet, such as actress/Autism spokeswoman Jenny McCarthy

Another fabulous woman who swears by the GF/CF diet is Shari Cole of Gluten Free & FABULOUS! Shari's own daughter was diagnosed with Autism when she was younger. Now she is in high school and participates in a competitive choir program and is a successful equestrian! Shari gives thanks for her daughter's achievements to the GF/CF diet. With Autism being an issue that is near and dear to her heart, as well as Celiac Disease, Shari and her father Larry decided to create GLUTEN FREE & FABULOUS just a few years ago.  

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Celiac Disease & The Economy: How You Can Help!

If you have Celiac Disease, you can probably relate to me when I say a good majority of my life was spent routinely in doctor's offices for stomach aches, sinus infections, reoccurring strep throat, migraines, and constant pain. My parents must have spent thousands and thousands of dollars each year in my medical bills (wouldn't that be something to get a hold of that figure?) before I was diagnosed and became healthy again.

I often wonder what life would have been like if I had been diagnosed earlier. So many things would have been different, yet I never hang on to that thought simply because I am thankful of where I am today. However, this leads to a much more serious conclusion that is currently affecting many Americans today (whether they know it or not!). According to the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University Medical Center, it is apparent that there would be an economic benefit to the diagnosis of Celiac Disease in a national managed-care population of the United States. 

Peter HR Green, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine & Director, Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University Medical Center, had this to say about the study (Journal of Insurance Medicine, 2008; 40:218-228) and the economic benefits of increased diagnosis of Celiac Disease: "We now have evidence that the increased awareness and diagnosis of Celiac Disease would benefit not only the patients but would result in health care costs savings."

According to the study, those in whom it is diagnosed have a long duration of symptoms prior to diagnosis (they're preaching to the choir here!). Celiac Disease has been associated with Osteoporosis, Anemia, and a multitude of associated autoimmune conditions. The recent study that examined a large managed-care database revealed reduced health care costs after the diagnosis of Celiac Disease, such as the reduction of office visits, lab tests, diagnostic imaging, and endoscopy procedures.

"There needs to be greater physician education in the carious modes of presentation and manifestations of Celiac Disease and more use of the widely available screening blood tests that detect the disease," Dr. Green said.

Hopefully, this will spark an interest with organizations such as the Celiac Sprue Assocation. Goodwill organizations like theirs can help with awareness at places like doctors offices and schools in order to inform people that they could have Celiac Disease. 

To find out more about legislation and government links on Celiac Disease, visit CSA's health links.

Friday, March 20, 2009


If you haven't checked the website, please do so! We're working so hard to get our cookies and pizzas all over the country! You won't be disappointed, in fact, you'll be overjoyed! 

If Gluten Free & Fabulous is NOT in your store, don't worry! Just use THIS SHEET to send a request to your grocery manager. They are happy to order whatever you request!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gluten-free is taking over! : )

Please take a moment to read about the amazing strides in the gluten-free industry!! Thankfully, there are companies like GLUTEN FREE & FABULOUS who make products in a DEDICATED GLUTEN FREE FACILITY. You can feel safe and sound eating the delicious cookies, pasta, and pizza that they have so carefully created with you in mind!

Gluten Free & FABULOUS Cooking Segment: Marinara Bolognese!

This just in: The beautiful Shari Cole, along with her handsome son Matthew, are at it again! Check out their new cooking segment for the delicious marinara bolognese, made from our Gluten Free & FABULOUS Quinoa with Marinara!

I had this pasta tonight with sauteed zuchini, it was amazing!

To see the new video, simply scroll down and click on the top video on the right side of my blog. 


Natural Products Expo West 2009

Natural Products Expo 2009 was a great success for Gluten Free & Fabulous!

Not only did we do well as a company, but it was my ONE YEAR anniversary with Gluten Free & Fabulous!

We had some excellent visitors at our booth. Our brokers who were in the area made sure to stop by- it's always wonderful to see them! Crowds of visitors, vendors, and brokers crowded our booth around lunch time each day to get their share of our gluten-free pizza. Our pepperoni pizza is now ORGANIC, which was a huge hit! 

Also, the beautiful ladies from Delight Gluten Free Magazine stopped by for some pizza and to catch up. It was great to see them and to hear about the fantastic direction that Delight is going in! Be sure to check it out!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Gluten-Free & FABULOUS compliments!

Ever have a co-worker, friend, or perfect stranger pay you a compliment? It's like an instant energy boost to your day.

Recently, a classmate of mine did exactly that for me. She approached me before class started and asked me what my secret was: did I work out, eat very well, or both? Apparently, she had noticed that I seemed all around like a happy, healthy person, and she admired how I carried myself. She wanted to know what my secret was; she event went as far to say that in previous semesters, her friends noticed me as well.

Not only did this make me smile, but made me feel proud as well. After all of my dedication towards my Celiac Disease and my gluten-free, practically vegan diet, someone had noticed!

I take every opportunity that I can to educate people on Celiac Disease and gluten-free, so naturally I was humbled, yet overjoyed, to let her in on the scoop: I just eat VERY well. She laughed, because as she and I were speaking, she was munching on a cheese danish, and then something came to me- hardly anyone eats well these days. I started to look around the classroom, only to discover that my classmates were fufilling their late afternoon hunger with candy, bags of chips, cookies, and to-go bowls of chowder from the on-campus convenient store. Little do they all know that quite possibly the reason they're so hungry at 4:00 in the afternoon is that they're filling their stomachs, and brains, with food that is not far off from the chemical properties of plastic! That might be stretching it, but then again, it's not far from the truth, considering the nutritonal content packaged foods these days.

She then asked me what I eat on a daily basis. I explained to her that my daily meals are pretty much the same, with the exception of dinner. My daily feast is as follows:

Breakfast: Quinoa flakes, banana, blueberries, honey
Snack: Envirokidz peanut-butter crisp bar
Lunch: Whole Soy & Co yogurt, banana
Snack: Apple with hummus
Snack: Enjoy Life bar

Dinner usually consists of chicken or fish with quinoa or rice, and vegetables, or gluten-free sausage with gluten-free pasta and vegetables, or a gluten-free tortilla with black beans, grilled zuchini or squash, and vege-cheese.
For dessert, I have nothing but the best: Gluten Free & FABULOUS cookies!

My thoughts? Why not try a gluten-free diet for one meal per day. Recently, I came across an article in the New York Times, "Vegan Before Dinnertime" , where one man eats vegan all day, and dinner is free game. It seems doable, and gives you incentive to eat well all day so that you can indulge at dinner. However, when choosing to diet gluten-free, you must remember to get plenty of protein and fiber in other ways, and of course remember to take your vitamins!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Organic AND gluten-free!

After taking a break from the blog, I'm back- and with exciting news!

Gluten-Free & FABULOUS pepperoni pizzas are now topped with ORGANIC gluten-free pepperoni! Just another reason to indulge in a delicious gluten-free, and GUILT-FREE, pizza!

To see a full list of ingredients, and check out what Gluten-Free & FABULOUS is up to, please visit

Bon Apetit!